
Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences

The authors propose to train a reward model by comparing human preferences. The dataset contains of triples \((\sigma^1 \sigma^2, \mu)\), where \(\sigma^1\) and \(\sigma^2\) are the trajectories and \(\mu\) is the a distribution indicating the human preferences between these two trajectories.

The authors model the reward function \(r\) by some neural networks and define the parameterized preference as

\begin{align} \Pr(\sigma^1 \succ \sigma^2; r ) := \frac{\exp \sum_t r(o_t^1, a_t^1)}{\sum*{i=1,2} \exp \sum_t r(o_t^i, a_t^i)}. \end{align}

The loss is to match the distribution between \(\Pr\) and \(\mu\)

\begin{align} \mathcal L(r) = - \sum_{(\sigma^1, \sigma^2, \mu) \in \mathcal D} \mu(1) \log \Pr(\sigma^1 \succ \sigma^2) + \mu(2) \log \Pr(\sigma^2 \succ \sigma^1). \end{align}

The authors mentioned some modifications to this basic algorithms in practice.

  title     = {Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences},
  author    = {Christiano, Paul F and Leike, Jan and Brown, Tom and Martic, Miljan and Legg, Shane and Amodei, Dario},
  journal   = {NIPS},
  year      = {2017},

Page created: 2023-02-12, modified: 2023-02-12.